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Git and GitHub for Version Control

Course Overview

This course will introduce students to Git and GitHub, two essential tools for version control in software development. Students will learn how to use Git to track changes in code and collaborate with others, as well as how to use GitHub to store, share, and manage code repositories.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of version control and why it's important in software development
  • Install Git and configure it for use on their local machine
  • Use Git to track changes in code, including creating commits, branching, merging, and resolving conflicts
  • Collaborate with others using Git, including pulling and pushing changes to remote repositories
  • Understand the basics of GitHub and how to use it to manage code repositories
  • Create and manage repositories on GitHub, including using issues, pull requests, and code reviews to collaborate with others
  • Understand best practices for using Git and GitHub in a team environment

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Git and Version Control

Week 2: Working with Git

Week 3: Collaborating with Git

  • Pushing and pulling changes to remote repositories
  • Understanding the basics of Git workflows
  • Using Git in a team environment

Week 4: Introduction to GitHub

  • Understanding the basics of GitHub and its role in software development
  • Creating and managing repositories on GitHub
  • Collaborating with others using GitHub issues and pull requests

Week 5: Advanced GitHub Features

  • Using code reviews to collaborate on code changes
  • Understanding GitHub's continuous integration and deployment features
  • Best practices for using Git and GitHub in a team environment


Note: This syllabus is just a sample, and can be adapted and modified to suit the needs of a specific course or audience.